La Sainte Union Catholic School

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Curriculum Intent

As a Roman Catholic community, we are inspired by the person of Jesus Christ whose life and teaching is the exemplar of our work as Christian educators.

In a spirit of inclusion and with respect for each pupil’s individual talents:

  • We strive to develop strength of character and individual confidence by stressing the pursuit of excellence and concern for others.
  • We seek to educate the whole person, academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually through a curriculum based on Christian principles and centred on the needs and aspirations of our pupils, parents and wider community.

A profound belief in the advancement of social justice infuses each aspect of our curriculum intent.

To further support our pupils with their formation, we have outlined our aspirational aims for each Key Stage.


‘Each for all and all for God’




The pursuit of excellence and care for others.











Social and Emotional



Embrace the challenge of learning to explore, achieve and excel. 

Empower each other to live life to the full.

Be a family community.

Grow each day in holiness and prayer.


‘My true vocation’

‘Bring happiness to others’

‘I may find happiness myself’






At KS3 we seek to develop intellectual curiosity.


An innate love of learning thrives through our broad and balanced curriculum and enhanced by our extra-curricular offer.


We believe that this leads to the acquisition of foundational knowledge and creativity which will prepare pupils for the next phase of their learning.


Through diagnostic testing and targeted support, we aim to close literacy and numeracy learning gaps and accelerate progress.


Cooperation benefits the individual and the communities they belong to – learning is a social enterprise.


Our oracy programme develops the ability to articulate ideas and to argue rationally.


We aim to develop empathy and respect for others through collaboration and our culturally responsive curriculum.


We wish to promote kindness and generosity as the means to build unity and celebrate diversity.


As a proudly Catholic school, we welcome those of all faiths and no faith to our family community.


We promote understanding the charism of LSU as shared by the LSU order and by our sister schools.


We nurture a strong sense of belonging at KS3 through collective worship and participation in the liturgy as people of faith. Our life in Christ is nurtured by these moments of encounter.







At KS4, we aim to develop a deeper, more advanced understanding of the concepts and ideas that will enable pupils to apply skills and knowledge to more complex contexts.


We want our pupils to develop an appreciation of how they learn productively across all subjects.


Pupils will use this knowledge to take ownership of their studies and improve the effectiveness of their home learning routines.


We aim to invest in wider reading, independent practice, and collaborative learning, so that they will grow into confident thinkers.


To support the achievement of ambitious learning goals, we wish to develop self-aware pupils who know how to motivate and manage themselves; to be deeply reflective about their individual strengths and areas for development.


We endeavour to ensure that our pupils are well-informed of the challenging issues that shape our rapidly changing world and can offer perspectives in the wisdom of faith.


As our pupils increase in independence, we want them to be active role models who are able to rise to meet challenges and have high expectations for success in their chosen pathway.


KS4 pupils deepen their knowledge of what it is to be people of faith in society today, and advocates for social justice.


Greater reflectivity enables questioning of identity and of life’s biggest issues.


The practices and rituals of faith support growth in the values of the Church and other faiths, affirming identity as young people of faith.






At KS5, we want our pupils are able to act on their own initiative to take more responsibility for their own learning.


We want them to actively seek new knowledge and recognise the complexity of ideas and range of opinions that exist within a subject.


We want them to be able to transfer knowledge across a wide range of contexts to build arguments and solve problems.


At KS5, we aim for our pupils to have a strong sense of purpose and have the confidence to pursue their chosen pathway.


We want them to be well informed in their decision making, have the ability to engage with the communities around them and offer principled leadership.



KS5 pupils understand that we are called to be people that love.


There is greater ownership of the call to service and the power to be the change that the world needs (Fr Debrabant).


Leadership is encouraged and evidenced in this cohort as they act as role models to support earlier year groups.


Organisation and Planning

Reflecting the vision of our founder, Jean Baptiste Debrabant, in providing a Christian based education, each pupil studies Religious Education in Key Stages 3 and 4 with the aim of 100% entry in GCSE. In the Sixth Form, pupils in Years 12/13 follow a General RE course, Philosophy for Life.

Our PSHE curriculum is delivered by a dedicated and consistent team of PSHE teachers and through a collaborative approach that involves our Careers Team, Science Department, Religious Education Department, and strategic partnerships with external organizations. The Careers Team contributes to foster real-world perspectives and practical insights, guiding students in exploring career pathways. The Religious Education faculty collaborates by providing a holistic perspective on ethical and moral considerations, promoting tolerance, respect, and understanding among students of diverse backgrounds and beliefs. Additionally, external partnerships, such as the First Give social action project, Diverse Voices workshops, and the Camden Choices against crime program, bring valuable expertise, fostering social responsibility, inclusivity, and safety awareness. These collaborations ensure a comprehensive and impactful PSHE education, equipping students with essential skills for their future success, fully meeting all statutory requirements.

At each Key Stage, pupils are timetabled in 60-minute periods. At KS3, we focus on breadth and balance. Mixed-ability groups are taught with the exceptions of Maths, which is taught in sets, and English, which has a nurture group to provide additional support. Sets are reviewed frequently to ensure that pupils who require extra support receive it.

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Y8_Curriculum table
Y9_Curriculum table

At KS4, pathway choices give pupils the opportunity to be successful in gaining at least 8 qualifications at Level 2 and provide a clear progression route to further study in Y12.

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Y11_Curriculum table

At Key Stage 4 we offer four pathways:

  • Each pathway has a set of compulsory core subjects and a group of non-core subjects that pupils will choose to follow
  • The core and non-core offer changes according to the pathway
  • The Green and Orange pathways are compatible with the EBacc qualification
  • Alongside the core and non-core examination subjects that make up each pathway all pupils will continue with non-examined courses in PSHE and PE
  • Pupils with a special aptitude in Mathematics have the opportunity to study Further Mathematics GCSE
  • Pupils will be recommended a specific pathway based on attainment.


For more information on the curriculum followed by our school, please contact Mr Beavis, Deputy Headteacher at