La Sainte Union Catholic School

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Exam Results

La Sainte Union School consistently scores in the top 10-20% nationally for student attainment and progress

LSU was awarded the SSAT Educational Outcomes Award for exceptional student attainment in recognition of being in the top 20% of non-selective schools nationally for student attainment in the 2019 end-of-KS4 exams. In the same year, our school received the SSAT Educational Outcomes Award for exceptional student progress in recognition of achieving well above average student progress in the 2019 end-of-KS4 exams. GCSE students continued to achieve outstanding GCSE results during the Covid pandemic in 2020 and 2021, and in 2022 as we returned to normal exams.

Our latest set of results continues to make us proud: in a year when national newspapers bemoan a fall in results, 2023 continues to see an excellent set of GCSE and BTEC results at LSU, with 74% of all grades at or above grade 4 and 25% of all grades at 7 or above.

La Sainte Union also performs strongly at sixth form. In 2023, 28% of our year 13 students succeeded in securing a place at a Russell Group university, compared to the national average of 17%. More detailed results below.

GCSE Results

A Level Results

Results Success 2023