La Sainte Union Catholic School

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Special Education Needs and Disabilities

The purpose of the SEND information Report is to provide information on how we welcome students and young people with special educational needs and the provision we provide. It outlines the work we do within the school and with outside agencies to remove barriers in order to raise the achievement of students and young people with special educational needs.

We will keep the SEND Report (formerly La Sainte Union Local Offer) under review by asking parents, carers, pupils and young people what is working well and what they want to improve. The next review date for our school’s SEN report is September 2025.

For further information, see here for the full SEN information report and our Policies page for the Special Education Needs and Disabilities Policy. Information on the arrangements for the admissions of disabled students, facilities provided to help disabled students to access the school and the Accessibility Plan can be found here.

What kind of school is La Sainte Union?

La Sainte Union is a voluntary aided comprehensive school for girls aged 11-18 and boys in the Sixth Form. Our Catholic identity is at the core of all we do, and we strive to provide a caring and secure environment in which each student can achieve, realise her or his own potential and gain an understanding of their peers who may have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

Parents/carers of young people make applications for places at school through the London Borough of Camden’s Education Department.

As a school, we ensure that all our students and young people, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, leave La Sainte Union School as confident, capable individuals, fully equipped with the skills needed to succeed in the world of work.

We help all of our students and young people to realise their potential and to recognise the basic equality of all people so that they can become life-long learners. We value, respect and celebrate the achievements of all students and young people in assemblies and through a challenging and rewarding curriculum.

La Sainte Union has a dynamic approach to teaching and learning. Our students and young people use new technologies to enhance and develop their learning in all their subjects.

Students with SEND are supported in the classroom from a highly skilled team of Learning Support Assistants and Higher Level Teaching Assistants. We currently have specialist LSAs working in the Maths, English and Science departments. We also provide extra-curricular support, including Homework Club and an early morning Reading Intervention Programme. We employ additional staff and we offer sessions based on Speech and Language therapy strategies.

Reference to Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)

Students who might be eligible for access arrangements at KS4 and KS5 are screened in school.

The school has a successful record of supporting students with statements/ Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and caters for V1 pupils in particular.

What parents/carers tell us?

In recent meetings, parents and carers of students and young people with special educational needs and disabilities tell us that they feel that they are very happy with the support arrangements and the extra-curricular clubs and activities that are in place in school.

Our students and young people with special educational needs and disabilities say that:

“La Sainte Union School is very helpful and respectful”.

“Lessons are really good so you can learn”.

“I have made lots of new friends. If you ever get lost, people will help you find your way.”

“Teachers are kind and they help you learn. If the work is too hard, the teachers will help you understand.”

“I have developed because I now know a lot of information.”

La Sainte Union School offer links to the information that Camden Council provides for parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities. You can see this on the website at:

You can pick up a summary of our Local offer and SEND Policy from our school office or you can download it from the website on the Policies page.

Our Head Teacher is Mrs S. Fegan who can be contacted at school on 0207 428 4600 or at

Our SENDCo is Mr Beavis. He is the first point of contact to talk to about any special educational needs questions or concerns. Mr Beavis manages the day-to-day operation of our special educational needs department and the support provision in the school.

All students and young people with special educational needs and disabilities are encouraged to partake fully in school activities, retreats, visits and clubs. The school will consistently make reasonable adjustments to ensure that this happens. Attendance at the above-mentioned is monitored accordingly. We encourage all students and young people with special educational needs and disabilities to be fully involved in the life of the school through their involvement in the school council.

All students and young people at the time of transition to Year 12, have input and advice from Connexions about the choices available to them as to where they go when they leave our school. This ensures a smooth transition into further education or relevant training. Parental complaints are very few and are resolved within school.  

We will provide the support and personal encouragement our pupils and young people need to participate and make progress within the curriculum. We welcome difference and diversity – learning from and about diversity strengthens our community. We help all of our students and young people to realise their potential and to recognise the basic equality of all people so that they can become responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society and become life-long learners. We are committed to working in partnership with parents and carers to ensure they are well-informed and centrally involved in the life of the school. We will always involve parents, carers and their children in planning and reviewing progress.

We know that the earlier we identify special educational needs and provide support, the more successful our pupils and young people will be. We will provide expert support and resources for students and young people with SEN to fulfil their potential. Our starting point is to guarantee a whole school approach and we make sure that all staff have the knowledge and skills to support all students and young people with SEN in our school


The Learning Support Team at La Sainte Union School includes:




Leads the Support for Learning team, including SEN teachers and Learning Support Assistants

Organises training opportunities

Coordinates the support provision for children and young people with SEN including in class support and literacy, numeracy and speech and language therapy strategies

Liaises with parents/carers

Is the key contact for specialist teams

Ensures rigorous record keeping

Learning Support Assistants

Support students with a statement of SEN/Education Health & Care plan  in class

Assist in running small group reading support sessions


Higher Level Teaching Assistant


Support students with a statement of SEN/EHCPs in class

Assist in running small group reading support sessions


Liaises with outside agencies as required in core group meetings

Specialist SEN teachers

Teach small class in English and Maths

Organise literacy catch up groups for pupils with specific learning difficulties and dyslexia

Organise numeracy catch up support sessions for targeted students


We regularly evaluate the quality of our provision for students and young people with SEN, including teaching and support. Members of the leadership team and the SENDCo observe lessons and hold discussions with teachers and support staff to develop teaching skills for students and young people with SEN. If we think we can improve our provision, we change it. We describe these changes in our School Improvement Plan.


Frequently asked questions

Who is keeping an eye on my child’s progress at La Sainte Union School?

All members of staff who teach and support your child, including her/his form tutor, will be checking her/his progress. Both a long and a short report are presented to parents/carers. In addition, parents/carers of children and young people with SEN are invited into school twice per year for a Structured “Listening Conversation” with the form tutor.   The school is piloting the development of Learner Profiles which provide a voice for young people in terms of what  helps them learn in addition to strategies to help teachers support pupils most effectively. The pastoral team and Learning Support staff monitor the progress of SEN students through regular analysis of data on progress.

If a child has a very high level of need, can the school apply for additional funding?

When a child has exceptional need for education, health and social care support that cannot be met from resources, assessments, and interventions that are normally available in school, they may need an Educational, Health and Care plan (EHC plan). Parents/carers can request an assessment for an Education Health Care Plan. This will involve Health and Social Care teams. You can find more details about this assessment on the Camden Local Offer website: The government has published a useful guide for parents and carers on the SEN Code of Practice: see page 22 onwards.

SEND Guide for Parents