La Sainte Union Catholic School

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Biorobotics Club at UCL

On Monday 22nd April, 5 of our year 10 students represented our school at UCL as part of their World Earth Day event. Our students confidently presented their progress with our jellyfish-inspired robot that we are designing to help remove plastic waste from waterways and oceans to KS2 primary school children. Our students also ran 2 workshops helping the younger students code and build simple ‘inchworm’ robots from cardboard using micro:bits and wires.

La Sainte Union is working in collaboration with 4 other schools and UCL on this project. We started last year with a workshop at UCL’s Grant Museum of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, followed by a visit to London Zoo last summer term. This term we are building our final biorobot prototype and will be presenting it in July at UCL’s Festival of Engineering to other secondary school students, university students and potential employers. Students will also have time to participate in workshops run by university students and see the other work on display at the festival. 

On the trip I had the opportunity to showcase La Sainte Union and our jellyfish prototype. I really enjoyed teaching the young children how our prototype worked and what it was. I'm very thankful I was able to come on this trip.

Leilah, year 10 student

Biorobotics Club at UCL