La Sainte Union Catholic School

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Successful Inspection

Catholic School Inspection 2023 (section 48)

We are delighted to be able to share with you the report from our recent Diocesan Inspection. The report recognised that "the school motto of ‘Each for all, and all for God’ is valued and lived out by students and staff." The inspectors also said: "Students understand the history of the LSU congregation and appreciate the opportunities that exist for global connection with other LSU schools" and recognised that La Sainte Union "serves a diverse community" and applauded our "culture of welcome for all."

The inspectors also saw how students' understanding of the social teaching of the Church inspires them "to serve those in need" and cited the students' fundraising activities for those affected by the Ukraine conflict and the humanitarian disasters in Turkey and Syria, alongside supporting the national and global work of CAFOD.

Thank you very much to all parents who completed the inspectors’ questionnaire and well done to our students and their teachers! Please see below for the full report.

Students are happy, confident and feel valued by the school.

Staff at all levels and in all roles show love and care for students. Staff are fully committed to all students, especially the most vulnerable.

Relationships between staff and students are strong; students told inspectors they view the school as a place of safety in which they are well cared for.

The school successfully engages with parents and as a result, parents are supportive of the school’s mission. One parent commented ‘the school embodies everything that I would want my children to know of the Catholic faith and what it means to live and be in line with Catholic values’.

Teachers have high expectations, and they model this frequently in lessons by supporting students to develop their knowledge and understanding.

To download the full report click here.