La Sainte Union Catholic School

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Sustainability trailblazers

On Wednesday 29th November, our school hosted a very special event. A group of enterprising year 9 students who had designed a climate action board game in year 8 were presented with their own copies of ‘Where does it come from, where does it go to?’ at a celebration ceremony in the board room.

Local social enterprise organisation Think and Do Camden who helped the students with the project also gave a presentation on how and why the game came to be designed. This was followed by the most fun part of the event – teaching a group of year 7s how to play the game! 

The game promotes a circular economy, a system based on the reuse of all materials and products and the gameplay focuses on problems and solutions in the climate crisis with thought-provoking questions of varying difficulty to collect tokens. Questions such as “How many litres of water are needed to make one pair of jeans?” and “What percentage of all plastic produced is recycled?”

The event finished with a tasty lunch made by the school’s canteen and plans to distribute the game to other Camden schools, as well as libraries. Game designers Gbemisola and Naimah will now accompany Think and Do Camden to primary schools in the area to promote the game and teach the younger generation the simple acts we can all take each day to preserve our common home.

Sustainability board game event