If you have any queries regarding exams or certificates, please email exams@lsu.camden.sch.uk .
Further information will be added throughout the course of the year, including up-to-date JCQ policies as we receive them.
Private candidates
La Sainte Union does not accept private candidates for examinations.
Exam certificates
Examination certificates for exams taken in Summer 2024 can be collected Monday to Friday between 9am and 3pm during term time, there is no need to make an appointment.
For exams taken before 2024, please email the Exams Officer, requesting a date, with 2 working days notice to ensure your certificates will be ready for collection. If you are unable to come to the school yourself you must give the person coming on your behalf a letter of authorisation.
The Exams Office currently hold Examination Certificates dated from 2018. If you know of anyone who may not have collected their exam certificates, please ask them to contact the Exams Office as soon as possible.
We are only required to store certificates for one year from the date of issue. Any Certificates we hold from before 2018 will be securely destroyed in January 2025. After this time, certificate requests will have to be made to the Examination boards who charge for replacements.
If you have misplaced your original certificates you will need to contact the Exam Board for duplicates.
Access arrangements – a guide for parents and candidates
Access arrangements are special arrangements which a small number of candidates are entitled to in their Public Exams.
At La Sainte Union we work within the JCQ regulations to ensure that candidates who are entitled to access arrangements get them.
Underlying philosophy
In line with JCQ policy candidates who require access arrangements:
- will have a cognitive or medical disability. A candidate is deemed disabled under the Equality Act 2010 if they have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on their ability to do normal daily activities.
- should have been identified before they joined La Sainte Union (perhaps they had extra time in their SATs or perhaps the primary school had the candidate on their SEN Register). La Sainte Union must be able to show a documented history of support and provision. Rarely a candidate’s teacher will refer a candidate to the SEN department after they have joined La Sainte Union. The only exception to this would be when a candidate develops a new medical condition or where an existing medical condition significantly deteriorates.
- Where a candidate joins our sixth form, they must still have significant needs to continue to have access arrangements. This must be documented by both evidence from their year 11 school and by updated assessment in the sixth form and/or updated medical records.
- Will have had the same arrangements in class, internal tests and exams as their normal method of working at their previous school and/or at La Sainte Union. A parent cannot ask for an assessment once the child has joined KS4 or KS5. However, parents should contact the SENDCO for further advice if their child has a medical condition.
- There is evidence in school that the child’s subject teachers have noticed that the child needs the arrangement
- Candidates will not have opportunities to access the arrangement in all internal tests without discussion with the SEND department in advance. Where a candidate does not have the arrangement, they need to write on the exam paper that they believe they needed it e.g. if a candidate writes on their exam papers in KS3 that they ran out of time this becomes evidence that the arrangement is needed.
- There is evidence that the child has made use of the arrangement in the past. eg. if a candidate never uses extra time, they lose entitlement to the extra time. In internal exams, candidates are advised to use a different colour pen for any work or editing completed in the additional time.
Please click here for the complete information on access arrangements and what happens at KS4 and KS5.