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La Sainte Union Catholic School

School Policies and Statutory Information

School Policies and Statutory Information

Please click the links below to open up a PDF on each policy.


Accessibility Plan

Admissions Policy

Admissions Policy for LaSWAP 2023

Admissions Policy for LaSWAP 2024

Anti-Bullying Policy

Anti- Racism Policy

Attendance Policy

Assessment Policy

Behaviour Policy and Statement of Behaviour Principles

Charging and Remissions Policy

Child Protection Policy and Procedures

Collective Worship Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

Complaints Policy and Procedure

Data Protection Policy

Educational Visits Policy

Equality Policy and Targets

Freedom of Information Policy

Health & Safety Policy

Homework Policy

Online Safety

Policy Statement on Provider Access


Privacy Notice

Safer Recruitment Policy

SEND Information Report

Supporting Students with Medical Conditions

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy

Whistleblowing Policy


Please contact the school for information about any other school policies.


DFE School Performance tables


Keeping children and young people safe from radicalisation and extremism

Advice for Parents and Carers


There have been many reports in the media recently of young people being targeted by adults and peers who hold extreme views that advocate violence. Some young people have been persuaded to leave the country in secret and against the wishes of their family, putting themselves in extreme danger as a result.

This leaflet aims to help parents and carers recognise when their child may be at risk from radicalisation and where to get help if they are worried.

If you need a copy of this booklet in another language please contact the Camden Safeguarding Children Board on 020 7974 8716.

What is radicalisation and extremism?

‘Extremism’ is where someone holds views that are intolerant of people who are of a different belief, ethnicity, culture, religion, gender or sexual identity. The government also includes calls for the death of members of the armed forces, both in this country and abroad as part of this definition. Extremists may try to force their views on others and in some cases, may believe that these views can justify the use of violence in order to achieve certain aims.

‘Radicalisation’ is the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups. Extremists will try to attract people to their cause by persuading them that their view of the world is the correct view and encouraging them to take action to change the world to fit these extremist views.

Britain is a democratic country where the principles of tolerance and mutual respect for people of all faiths and beliefs, including non-belief, are upheld by the law. Those who hold extremist views and advocate violence go against these fundamental principles.

For young people, a key part of growing up is exploring new ideas and critically questioning the world around them, and this should be encouraged in order to help them develop their understanding of the world and learn the values of tolerance and acceptance. However, this needs to be balanced against the need to protect young people from radicalisation and extremism.


To read the full bulletin click here.

Please click here to view further advice for parents/carers.


Financial compliance information

Financial benchmarking information 

Salary bands

Amount Number of employees
£110,000 – £120,000
£ 100,000 – 110,000 0